Doctrines will cover two general subject areas. The primary area will be Baptist doctrines. The secondary area will be about Ryrie’s 14 Categories of God’s Perfections.
Baptist doctrine will cover twelve general subjects that are essentials to what Baptist believe. These subjects are:
1. The Bible, 2. God, 3. Christ, 4. Holy Spirit, 5. Man, 6. Sin, 7. Salvation, 8. Church, 9. Death, 10. Future, 11. Prayer, 12. Angels
Each of these subjects will be based upon scriptures that support and explain what is recorded in the Bible. Any human commentary will be kept to a minimum. A thorough search of God’s Word will find explanation enough for what God intended.
Feel free to comment on what JR writes about Ryrie’s category for the week on Facebook. Go to
God’s Perfections categories as written by Ryrie:
Eternity (Jan. 1 topic) 2. Freedom (Jan. 8 topic) 3. Holiness (Jan. 15 topic) 4. Immutability (Jan. 22 topic) 5. Infinity (Jan. 29 topic) 6. Love (Feb. 5 topic) 7. Omnipotence (Feb. 12 topic) 8. Omnipresence (Feb 19. topic) 9. Omniscience (Feb. 26 topic) 10. Righteousness (Mar. 5 topic) 11. Simplicity (Mar. 12 topic) 12 Sovereignty (Mar. 19 topic) 13. Truth (Mar. 26. topic) 14. Unity (Apr. 2 topic)
Dates are when the subject was posted on Facebook. The categories are from Ryrie’s book Basic Theology, Victor Books, 1986.
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