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Week 1 Ensure Week 2 Bother Week 3 Discover Week 4 Annoy
This word is very hot in the insurance business. They want to “ensure” that you have plenty of coverage. It is also a synonym for guarantee. These days it is becoming harder and harder to ensure that you have all that you need, much less all that you want! This word used to be similar to the word insure, but it now has taken on its own characteristics. It now takes ownership of things that it did not use to mean. It now wants to stand on its own two feet. We must ensure that it has our attention!
“Discover a fat-free, refreshingly clear way to fill your nutritional gaps. Drink Ensure!” Sound familiar? It should. That is the signature line for the nutrition drink by that name. What the name “ensure” implies is that using the product will secure or guarantee that you have good health by using the product. What is hinted here is an indication of the primary meaning of the word “ensure.” That is to make certain, guarantee or secure certain benefits. Another definition is to make safe or protect, again implied by the ad’s wording. Also, ensure means to pay money in case of some sustained loss. Okay, let’s ensure that we don’t lose our heads today!
To more fully understand the meaning of ensure perhaps we should look at some contrasts. Some words that would be distinctly different and unlike ensure are to drawback, be in opposition or restrict the safety, security or certainty of that which we would want to guarantee. To ensure means to secure accuracy or safety of something that we want protected. Safety devices ensure that we, as people or our possessions are free from harm. Security forces ensure that we are protected from the threat of danger. Let’s be certain that we have a positive attitude and ensure that today we have the best day possible!
This is one of those words that you should become familiar with. Better yet, learn how to use it and how it differs from assure and insure. The differences are subtle but distinct. Ensure is to make sure or certain as in protect. Assure is to confirm or convince someone about a condition or action. Insure is to cover it monetarily, as in to replace or cover with protection. The impact here is to enhance one’s image and reliability. Is your image and reputation suffering from credibility? Enhance it and ensure that others have confidence in you. Make it solid!
Our word this week really challenges us with our relationships! We are to enhance our actions so that they present a secure air to our partners as we relate to them. We are to protect the relationship as we increase our awareness and sensitivity. Each one of us has a responsibility to improve not only our
actions but the very words we use. A thoughtless slip of the tongue can cause damage that takes much reassurance to mend the hurt. We can add security to our relationships by developing a very delicate sense of how we use words. The more we know about them, the better we can use them. Learn to use the power of words to make your associations sure. Be proactive!
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What a challenge we have this week! Why do we bother with doing a word each week? Our communication with using our five senses is one of the major things that make us different as human beings. Words are one of the tools that we use in the act of giving or receiving information. It matters not what our mother tongue is, words and word sounds are the vehicle that we use most to convey our thoughts and ideas. It is this feature that motivates us and we bother to do the word of the week. The challenge we have is to improve our understanding, comprehension and use of words. Let’s wise up and dig in!
Why bother? Good question! Why should we bother to define what seems to be such a simple word? As a synonym, there are six different variant meanings that could apply to bother. Which do you use and when? There are six uses of the word for bother. Two are interrogative verb forms and four are simple verb forms. Bother is also used as a noun form and an interjection. All of these things apply to this little word! Some common definition uses are to worry or trouble, annoy, harass and pester. Also, to cause discomfort as in “her foot bothers her” is common as well as to make a fuss. Otherwise, don’t bother me!
There is a sense that for one to be bothered is both a good thing as well as a bad thing. It depends on your point of view. When we are concerned about something, then we want to be bothered when a new condition arises. That is a good thing, but when we are working on a project and we need to finish on time, then to be bothered is to cause an annoyance or irritation. We need to try to have a good attitude in such cases and turn the interruption into a positive action. We need to remember that if it is a person causing the delay or annoyance it is because they have a concern that needs to be addressed. The quicker the concern is addressed, the faster we can return to our project. Just keep calm and go with the flow!
What bothers me is when my computer shuts down and I have no control over it. Bummer! That is the kind of event that can impact everything you do. It is a petty annoyance but it does cause some discomfort in how much time it takes to do things in our electronic-driven society of today. It is, however, better to be bothered by a petty annoyance like a computer shut-down than to be a person who bothers others senselessly and makes trouble for others. Forefront in our minds should always be, is what I am doing when I bother people a source of worry or irritation? If so, take care and don’t do it. Nevertheless, if you sense that it is for the other’s good and is guidance for positive action, then do so, tactfully. Soft words turn away wrath so be gentle!
Have you experienced a relationship that bothered you? For sure, all of us have had that experience at some time or another. Has the relationship been one that the person is one who brings trouble? Was it one of those relationships that seem to have brought irritation or worry? It is the one that caused us to be flustered or bewildered because we did not understand what was required for the relationship to be a good one. It is the relationship that causes mental torture that you need to avoid. Don’t bother with a relationship that will drag you down. Don’t be disturbed, be upbeat!
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Are we there yet? How many parents have heard those words from their children while on a trip? One of the ways that parents can help their offspring to weather a trip is to help them to discover things of interest while they are traveling. It is in the process of discovery that kids become aware of other things in life. When the mind is absorbed with how knowledge can be revealed to them by focusing on outside interest then boredom is eased and the mind is challenged. Help children look for what is over the next hill. Onward Ho!
Shady deals and underhanded actions rarely go without eventually being discovered. To reveal, disclose or expose is an older use of discover, but to find out or know about is now the more common usage. We most commonly associate discover with the activities of explorers who take us to new frontiers. To make famous is another way in which we understand the meaning of discover. As humans, it is the drive within us to see what is over the next hill, the new continent or risk the new adventure of space flight. Discover what’s ahead; drive on!
To help us understand this word – discover – better, we will look at some synonyms. When we think of discover, we think of to find out, learn, explore, observe or gain knowledge of. These words and phrases give us the sense of what discover means. We discover a new way to get to work. We discover a place to find friends. We discover how to do our work better. These are all senses or symptoms of how discover is used and why it may open up new clues to what we want to do. So, don’t be clueless, explore!
Discover will impact your life in one of two ways. You will discover things by accident or you will discover something by intent. When you discover new conditions by accident, they may come as a surprise. When you discover by intent, you will gain knowledge of or become aware of new ideas, thoughts or clues. By intent means to look for, observe or detect new wisdom by your own act or purpose. Be looking ahead intently, but don’t be caught sleepwalking!
It is in relationships where discovery is most likely to pop up without any forewarning. Many times it is in the subconscious actions where surprise will give notice of new discoveries. As mortals we are all capable of suddenly showing a new side or reflection of our character. When the unexpected event happens, many times our subconscious will kick in with unexpected reactions. These are the discoveries that can add stress to the best of relationships. How do you reduce the unexpected stress? Chill out!
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What in the world annoys you? This is one of those words that have a negative twist to it. Most of us do not like being annoyed. To be so is to have our peace of mind disturbed. That is not a good place to be. What we want to do is put ourselves in a place where we do not have any irritations, or stresses that wear down our patience. We prefer that place of tranquility and serenity. So don’t be a source of irritation, or vexation. Reduce worry, be calm and just cool it!
To really understand the meaning, we should look first at what it does not mean. The antonym for annoy is soothe or to be in comfort. Annoy means to imitate, bother or make one irritated by a repeated action, noise, etc. Think of a constant buzzing of a wasp or bee that flies around you. Such action is to do harm by repeated attack, to harry or molest. It is a disturbance to one’s comfort or peace of mind. Several words are like annoy; such as: vex, irk, bother, tease or plague. To be annoyed is to be afflicted in some unpleasant way. Stinky pests, shoo fly!
With our word annoy, there are some definite symptoms we can recognize. If something angers or irritates us to the point that we feel harassed and disturbed those are sure signs. There are some similar words to annoy that we might recognize. Those were listed yesterday as vex, irk, bother, tease and plague. Irk stresses a wearing down of one’s patience by a persistent action. Tease is to annoy or harass by some persistent foolish behavior that brings a negative reaction. Teasing to some can be considered as torture. Teasing can hurt, be sensitive!
To suffer the consequences of being annoyed is not a pleasant experience. We will look at some of the impact or significance of various actions that might be considered as part of annoy. For sure, displease is a mental image that comes through; also such words as gripe, nettle, offend and vex give vivid impressions when one is annoyed. One other word which is persecuted might come into play if being annoyed is carried to an extreme. That is really more than just being annoyed. Make your impact count. Don’t be unpleasant, be that ray of sunshine!
In our relationships, this is one word that should not happen, but realistically it does. Hopefully, it is an in frequent visitor. To annoy one or another in a relationship can provoke hidden irritations. This action has a negative impact in many cases. Solid relationships can withstand some hidden irritations occasionally, but will increase anxiety in unstable ones. Be careful of actions that can aggravate ill will. Relationships that are shaky can dissolve quickly with unthoughtful pestering. In relationships, walk softly and hang tough!
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