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Week 1- Peculiar Week 2- Abandon Week 3- Babble Week 4- Cadence Week 5- Dabble
Today is one that is peculiar; it is the last day for WoW words. Gotcha! Since today is commonly considered “April Fool’s Day” that first sentence is “peculiar” in that it is not a true statement, but is to be taken as a joke. That is peculiar since I don’t normally joke about words and what they mean. April Fool’s Day is out of the ordinary in that it is not a formal holiday, but one of cultural curiosity to American culture. Hence, it is strange or peculiar that our word would be introduced in this way. When something is strange, beware it could be just a joke!
Distinctive and irregular are two des that help define our word. Peculiar is both a noun and an adjective. Most of the time, we use it as an adjective to describe something with a unique or special nature; as in “a matter of peculiar interest.” It also carries the idea of being distinctive or exclusive. Sometimes we even associate it with being odd or strange. Peculiar runs the gamut of being wonderful to being strange, outlandish or unusual. But, seldom do we use it as the British do to mean a church or parish under a jurisdiction other than a diocese. Don’t try to be odd or strange, just be peculiar in an out of the ordinary way!
Peculiar is as peculiar does. Does that sound odd? It is. However, it gives us some hints as to how we can identify the signs of what is peculiar. Irregular, queer, even special or suspicious can give us clues to what might be peculiar. One other word also comes to mind, but we need to explore it a little. A peculiar person who is also known as being idiosyncratic is one who is eccentric or unconventional. They do things that are considered out of the ordinary or strange. An idiosyncratic person is one who will most of the time “think outside of the box.” They get things done, but not in the ordinary sense. So don’t be run of the mill like others, be peculiar as well as distinctive!
How do we know the impact of “peculiar” upon our lives and activities? We look at an incident and ask ourselves “did this event or action affect me in some abnormal way?” If it has, then it has had an impact. Such occurrences can be strange, wonderful or outlandish depending upon how we as individuals view it. Singular occurrences may have a slight and fleeting impression, but others may have a more lasting effect. It will depend upon the magnitude of that incident and its personal impact. Don’t be just peculiar; try to be out of the ordinary!
You have a peculiar relationship! You just don’t know it. Within the meanings of peculiar are two thoughts that we see but seldom apply to this word. As a noun, peculiar means something belonging to one only, as a privilege or as something special. If you enjoy a good relationship with a spouse, friend or business partner then you have a “peculiar” relationship in that it is yours. This is what we all should strive for is special and peculiar relationships. These relationships are distinctive and exclusive which is what peculiar means by definition. We should all forge peculiar relationships that are distinctive and long-lasting. Don’t be peculiar as in odd, but be peculiar as in special and distinctive!
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Abandon 040813 Monday
Many of us have heard or used the phrase “reckless abandon.” However, it is not likely that we have given much thought to all of its implications. There are several synonyms that will help us to grasp its full meaning. Desert, forsake and quit are all similar in meaning to abandon, but the differences are interesting. Abandon carries in it the sense of a final parting and to not return. Desert emphasizes a willful violation of duty. Forsake carries the sense of renouncing what once was dear to us. Quit means simply to give up or stop. With abandon we surrender to someone or something; as in Texas history “remember the Alamo” is good, but to surrender to the enemy is not!
Abandon 040913 Tuesday
As a noun, abandon means unrestrained freedom of action or emotion. Have you ever surrendered to your impulses? That is what the noun form of this word means; “to shout in wild abandon” is the example that the dictionary uses. Of the other three definitions of abandon, in verb tense form, it means to give up something completely or forever. Another definition is to leave as out of necessity; that is to forsake or desert. Lastly, abandon means to yield oneself completely. Have you ever had a desire or feeling that you just had to satisfy? Yep, that’s what it means. In hopeless abandon, we march on toward tomorrow!
Abandon 041013 Wednesday
Think about people you have known; would you tag them with having dash, or vigor? Would they tend to be the type that could be reckless? These words are symptoms of someone who might tend to abandon someone or some project if they thought it would hinder them. Other signs might be to cease, desist, dispense with or quit if difficulty were encountered. These qualities are not in agreement with someone who is persistent and persevering. A person with symptoms that could indicate tendencies to abandon need to be tolerated with caution. Don’t be impetuous and foolish, be wise and control your impulses!
Abandon 041113 Thursday
You have been given a work project and deadline by your boss. He turns and walks away leaving you to meet the goal alone. Does this make you feel like you have been abandoned? Rightly so, it is because you have been left alone to accomplish the task by yourself. This incident has and will have an impact upon you. To leave in trouble is one of the clear meanings of abandon. To feel deserted, in danger or disowned is a deep-rooted emotional trauma that is associated with being abandoned. Don’t let yourself be forsaken; grab a life jacket!
Abandon 041213 Friday
How is your relationship today? Has any of your relationships hit a snag? Sure they have! You have experienced that deserted and cast off feeling. That is never a fun experience. Have you had to relinquish a relationship that just was not what it should have been? That is a nerve wracking experience and never pleasant. As humans, we have made mistakes and those we have relationships with make mistakes but hopefully they don’t end up with rejection. Will they feel rejected and abandoned? Just put yourself in their place!
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Babble 041513 Monday
In our world today, this word should probably be used more. With our worldwide access to the internet, there are many who put their “wisdom” on the web when it should be put in out along with the garbage. Babies babble because they are learning how words sound and are to be used. They will eventually make coherent sounds. However, many who write or talk about things do not always verify the truth of what they are spouting about. Brooks may babble, but humans should make intelligent sounds!
Babble 041613 Tuesday
To be distinct and coherent, we will see how babble is defined. In its verb forms, babble has five shifts in its meaning. As a noun, it has three meanings that are distinct, but yet similar. To make sounds such as incoherent, foolish or bubbling sounds, these souds carry the to do or verb form of babble. A person who blabs constantly is an example of this action. Used as a noun, confused, incoherent talk or vocal sounds are a typical use. Also, the noun form means foolish or meaningless talk. One who “babbles” is normally lacking in rational thinking. Thoughtless words beat the air without meaning; so listen and you will know who will blab without thinking!
Babble 041713 Wednesday
There is a reason why babble means what it does. As we look at its signs and symptoms, we will see a common thread. Be careful of those who talk foolishly for they ramble on with words that are disconnected or incoherent. A chatterbox is another that can be one who babbles sounds that may or may not make sense. Take heed of one who is constantly murmuring, for it could be a symptom of mental instability. Also another one to be careful around is one who rants and raves seemingly without making sense. To babble centers upon talk that lacks rational sense. Senseless words and acts can be hurtful, so use care with your words around people!
Babble 041813 Thursday
Meaningless talk is synonymous with the primary meaning of babble. One of the differences between humans and other animal species is the ability to communicate with words sounds that other humans understand. Babble therefore defeats that distinction as the human species. The impact of babble is to blur the lines in communications. Babies may babble while they are learning, but they will come to an understanding of what words mean and how they communicate thoughts to others. Those who babble with incoherent sounds do not communicate thoughts because the sounds do not carry an understandable message. Beware of foolish talk. Make your sounds show that you are an intelligent being!
Babble 041913 Friday
Ouch! Must we talk about babble as it impacts our relationships? Yes we do. To talk incoherently, foolishly or with nonsense is a failure to communicate. Yes, that old line from that movie really does affect what we say, do and are in a relationship. We talk and express our ideas, feelings and humanness. Our associations with others, and especially with loved ones, will die a slow, agonizing death without genuine communication. Think through what you say and do, or otherwise it will be a dead-end!
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Cadence 042213 Monday
Hup, two three, four! Any military man will recognize those sounds as being the military marching cadence. Marching bands also use a similar cadence for the band to march with. Now, we might ask; what is cadence and what is its importance? Cadence is an indicator of timing or rhythm as is used in music, sports or other activity where a group, organization or even a mechanical assembly needs to do things in a certain order and at a specified time. Life itself can a have a cadence or timing in the way things are done. Don’t be a misfit, do it in rhythm!
Cadence 042313 Tuesday
Cadence defined in simple terms is measured movement or rhythm. When people speak and their voice falls and then rises and falls again, that is tone modulation or voice inflection. Those are characteristics of cadence. It is that rhythmic flow of sound. For instance, in music a series of notes or chords at the end of a phrase or composition will many times indicate a partial conclusion or pause. In cadence, we see a regularity of sound patterns. These patterns are many times repeatable. Is your composition repeatable? Reach for your own cadence!
Cadence 042413 Wednesday
John Philip Sousa wrote many patriotic musical hits and marches. He knew well the importance of cadence to his musical compositions. He started learning music at an early age. His mentors learned he was able to hold perfect pitch. He used that intrinsic ability to write and conduct much of his works. His ability to hear the rhythmic flow of sound was the basis for his music and the cadence they used. His music is a grand example of the military precision and cadence he is so famous for. Without measured movement, there is discord, but with it comes beautiful results!
Cadence 042513 Thursday
The ebb and flow of daily life produces its own cadence. What impact might this have? For me, it produces a routine. I normally go workout three times a week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I get up at a certain time, eat and go to bed. These activities produce a rhythmic flow of measured movement. Dancing is another activity that produces its own rhythm and pattern. All of these things are part of the cadence of living. The measure or beat in which things are done are how we know the rhythm of our lives. Don’t be out of step, get in step and march with the drummer!
Cadence 042613 Friday
Is rhythm part of relationship? In a relationship, the rise and fall of activity will produce its own cadence. However, if you get out of step, it will bring chaos and distress in your associations with others. Pay attention to the flow of movement in those you associate with and it will increase the positive atmosphere. When your partner leads, do your best to follow and when it’s your turn to lead be aware of the cadence that is needed. Out-of-step is trouble; being-in-step is good rhythm!
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To dabble or not to dabble; that is the question. Yes, it is a corny takeoff of Shakespeare’s famous quote, but it does hint at the meaning and use of “dabble.” To putter is another twist of the use of our word. When one engages in something superficially, that is a truer intent of the meaning of dabble. To take something lightly is also another way to understand this word. To become an expert is to dabble with very serious intent!
This word seems to have had its origin in the Dutch Language. It is most commonly used as a verb and has four meanings. The meanings give a sense of movement into and out of something. The first definition is to dip lightly in and out of a liquid and the second is related as to wet by dipping, splashing or sprinkling. The third way it is defined is the infinitive verb form of to play in water, as with the hands. When something is done without serious intent is how we most commonly use this word. For someone “to dabble in photography” gives the impression that the dabbler does not do the work of photography with the intent to become rich or famous. Dabbler’s lacks real motivation!
Some signs or symptoms of this word might be: fiddle with, amuse oneself with, idle away time or putter around. Each of these activities is something one does without serious intent. This brings us to the true thrust of what one does to dabble. When someone tinkers with an automobile to make it run or look better is good example. Or if one, in their spare time, writes about their daily activities, might be considered “busywork” if there is little intent to publish what they have written. Many times “to dabble” is also synonymous with what someone does with water. A fire hose is not something to dabble with!
To dip lightly into something is the norm for those who dabble. The impact of this on what one does is slight. It really shows very little intensity to do or be motivated. The lack of seriousness in the direction of what one dabbles in means that it has very little importance. Its impact is superficial at best. The gist of this superficial impact is to be an amateur in that endeavor. Let’s be serious or we will “dabble” away our time with nonsense!
Do not dabble in relationships. It can be dangerous for your health! Seriously, when you want to know someone, put some time and effort into who they are and what they need. Granted, there are some associations that you want to keep at arm’s length, but that should be done with finesse not with a disinterested or superficial contact. As human’s we all have emotions and feelings. Be considerate of that and treat them as you want to be treated. Lip service is not real interest; so be genuine in what you say and do!
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