Righteousness (Charles C. Ryrie, Basic Theology, Victor Books, 1986,) p. 42.
- Meaning. Though related to holiness, righteousness is nevertheless a distinct attribute of God. Holiness relates to God’s separateness; righteousness, to His justice. Righteousness has to do with law, morality, and justice. In relation to Himself, God is righteous; i.e., there is no law, either within His own being or of His own making, which is violated by anything in His nature. In relation to His creatures He is also righteous; i.e., there is no action which He takes that violates any code of morality or justice. Sometimes these two aspects of righteousness are called absolute (in relation to Himself) and relative (in relation to His Creation).
- Scripture. God’s absolute righteousness is declared in Psalm 11:7; “For the Lord is righteous” (see also Dan. 9:7). David also declared His relative righteousness (Ps. 19:9; see also Acts 17:31).
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