10. Future
Baptist Doctrine: Future – Heaven
Introduction — Segment One
The doctrine of the future is one that should be preached and taught in many churches especially major denominations. This doctrine is very misunderstood and has been perverted by unwitting theologians. This doctrine is composed of a general list of future events or descriptions of what the whole of scripture is about.
From Moses to the last Old Testament prophet and everything taught by Jesus and his disciples is in preparation for the future. The Bible gives us some basic words or categories of these teaching but their focus is into the future. For example, both the O.T. and N.T. teach us that we should be ready and focused upon heaven. Included in this teaching is that of how we should prepare for the coming judgment, resurrection, and our life in heaven.
On the flip side is the teaching that if you reject the Bible as God’s Word and His Son, you will face a future of judgment, hell, and torment. This also is taught both in the O.T. and N.T. In later posts, we will look at scriptures that support these topics. One thing is certain, whether you are a believer, or an unbeliever, you will face a future beyond that of physical death. Give this a thought: if you are wrong and physical death is not the end, where will you spend eternity? As long as you are alive, you can still make a choice. Once you die, choice is also dead. What you believe then will determine where you spend eternity.
Baptist Doctrine: Future – Hell
Introduction – Segment Two
The doctrine of the future is one that should be preached and taught in many churches especially major denominations. This doctrine is very misunderstood and has been perverted by unwitting theologians. This doctrine is composed of a general list of future events or descriptions of what the whole of scripture is about.
From Moses to the last Old Testament prophet and everything taught by Jesus and his disciples is in preparation for the future. The Bible gives us some basic words or categories of these teaching but their focus is into the future which includes both heaven and hell. Both the O.T. and N.T. teach us that we should be ready and focused upon heaven, but those who do not believe will not see heaven. Unbelievers will be judged and sentenced to an eternity in torment. If you do not believe God’s Word, what follows will be the future YOU will face. You will experience resurrection, but only to face God’s judgment because you do not believe.
God’s word is not to be taken lightly. If you reject the Bible as God’s Word and His Son, you will face a future of judgment, hell, and torment. This also is taught both in the O.T. and N.T. In the posts that follow, we will look at Jesus’ teaching and scriptures from His disciples that support these topics. One thing is certain, whether you are a believer, or an unbeliever, you will face a future beyond that of physical death. Give this a thought: if you are wrong and physical death is not the end, where will you spend eternity? As long as you are alive, you can still make a choice. Once you die, choice is also dead. What you believe now will determine where you spend eternity. Is doubt really worth the price if you spend eternity in torment?