Bible Leaders Page 2
What does God want in his leaders? One characteristic of a Godly leader is obedience. Seldom will God choose someone who is rebellious and disobedient. This does not mean that there may be times when one of his leaders may rebel or be disobedient, but it is not an inherent trait of their personality. God may punish a leader for his rebellion or disobedience, but that leader will usually repent and become the obedient servant.
King David is one who did disobey God; he repented, and became again the obedient servant of Yahweh. Several of David’s psalms were about his sin and repentance. (See Psalm 51) However, most of David’s life was devoted to being obedient to God.
On the other hand, Saul was disobedient. He was impatient, arrogant, and acted foolishly in consulting a witch. He violated God’s Law by offering sacrifices that only the Prophet Samuel was ordained to conduct. For his disobedience, Saul lost the position of being the anointed king over Israel. “And Samuel said unto Saul, I will not return with thee: for thou hast rejected the word of the Lord, and the Lord hath rejected thee from being king over Israel.” (1 Samuel 15:26)
God looks very highly upon obedience from his servants. God can overlook many failures, but disobedience displeases him greatly. We will see how this requirement works out in the lives of other O.T. leaders.
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