SQ History

SQBooks History: the SQBooks website started as a ministry newsletter. SQBooks began in the summer of 2004. It evolved. It became a news site, a commentary on current news events and updates on the SQ Ministry. In June 2008, the site was hacked, butchered and destroyed.

JR and Marilee had left in December of 2007 for work with a cross-cultural team in Africa. The site was humming along with occasional updates until June of 2008. They returned to the U.S. for personal business the first of June. Upon arriving in Phoenix, about June 10 or 12, they attempted to access the site for updates. It was nowhere to be found. The website hosting company had no information on the website, why it was no longer being hosted nor what had happened. They were still being charged to host the site even though it could not be found. The name for SQ Books at that time was SQNews as the banner on the header. SQBooks was still retained in their names as owners, but the SQNews page and the entire website had disappeared.

The SQBooks name was dormant for three years. Early in 2011, SQBooks came back to life with a new hosting company, a new format and a new direction as an author and book website as it is today. The intent of SQBooks is two fold. First as an experienced author, JR wants to leave his experiences as a writer to a younger generation. What he has learned should be passed on to future generations. His experience, frustrations and expense to learn how to be an author and writer must be shared so that others can avoid the same mistakes. Knowledge shared is how we as humans continue to make advances. When we stop learning and doing, we will die. Second, an author must promote his books. They must be available to readers. Click link to go to 2Write page. see detailed history.

1 Response to SQ History

  1. Bev Rindler says:

    Lookin’ good, JR!

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