
Week-3 Dishonesty


I think that this is the one thing that causes me more negative reactions than anything else. If a person is dishonest, how can you trust them? What kind of other problems does it cause? Define. Symptoms. Impact. Relationships. I will write a short note daily with these thoughts in mind. Feel free to respond.


Defined it is the quality of being dishonest; deceiving, stealing, etc. An act or statement that is a fraud or lie. Deceiving can also be a twisting of what seems to be true. Do someone’s answers always seem to be vague or overly embellished? Be cautious!


Some symptoms of dishonesty are always has or does the best. Dishonest statements distract or obstruct finding the truth. With dishonesty, you can never be at ease or confident in what they say or say they will do. The dishonest person rarely keeps a promise.


The impact of dishonesty is that it draws in the innocent to do or be a part of some deception or trickery. It also draws someone in to help perpetuate another’s falsehood. Develop sensitivity to or find a way to see how trustworthy a person is. Exercise great care if someone makes and breaks promises easily. Personal integrity is valuable.


Dishonesty will eventually destroy any relationship. It cannot provide a firm foundation for trust. Trust is built upon confidence, dependability and belief in another’s integrity. Integrity is quality or state of being sound and complete. Integrity builds the foundation for trust.

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