WoW Word & Links
WoW Word Alpha Index
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WoW Words & Links
WoW Words & Links
Posted on January 18, 2018 by admin
The Alpha Index is now complete including links. Each word is linked to the month and year in which it was posted on Facebook.
The WoW Word Index by year is also complete. Go to the year that a word was posted and use the link to get to the month it was posted.
By use of the Alpha Index and the WoW Word Index by year you should be able to find any of the 317 words that were posted on Facebook over the past 6 years. Please report any incorrect or broken links to admin.
WoW Word History
My Thanks to faithful WoW Word readers.
This post today will be my final thought on the WoW Word. Over the past 6 years, there have been a number of faithful readers (50+). Your faithfulness to read the WoW Word has been a great encouragement to me. There has been at times some craziness, some fun, and hopefully some wisdom. For you faithful readers, I personally want to thank you for your time spent.
As we move on into a new year (2018), I hope that you will continue to support and read the postings of serious writers and authors. Writing is a skill. It takes time and dedication. It also takes perseverance, as there will be days when your brain seems not to function and your body rebels at doing a repetitious task again! But a good writer will work through the good times and the bad. He (or she) will continue to work at his craft to fine tone the writing skills. This you faithful readers have encouraged me to do. I thank you for your faithfulness. But the time has come to move on to new things.
For those of you who might have an interest, I would encourage you to go to JR’s discussion group on FB and just read the postings and discussion there. Feedback on this new endeavor is vital for it to fulfill the need it is designed for. It is designed for believers who want to grow deeper in their faith and knowledge of our Awesome God and His Son. Encourage your friends who have questions about their faith to participate or at least read the postings. Use it to be a witness and encourager. May God bless all of you who have been so faithful to read the WoW Word.
In case you are interested, a little history:
The number of total WoW Word postings on FB=1585.
The number of weeks that were covered 317.
Total period covered 6 years and 1 month.
Resource Links on Separate Tab
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Amazon link to SQ 2: Ebook also available!