Segment Three: Part One
The Spirit of Man
As soul refers to the immaterial part of man’s inner being so also does spirit. Soul relates to the inner consciousness of man and “spirit” is the inner sensitivity of what is spiritual and what is not. The spirit of man can take on several characteristics such as one’s moral compass, one’s drive to do or acquire right understanding. However, the use of “spirit” within scripture can be varied depending upon its context.
In Job we see it used to mean the breath of man. (Job 27:3) In Exodus and Deuteronomy we see it used to denote intelligence and skill. (Ex. 28:3; De. 34:9) There are even examples that spirit is used to refer to emotions. (Ex. 6:9; 1 Sa. 1:15). A negative use of spirit is when it refers to demons or evil spirits. (Job 4:15; Mt. 12:43; Mk. 1:23; 5:2; Ac. 16:18; 1 Ti. 4:1) “Spirit” can sometimes be used to refer to angels. (He. 1:7,14) In some verses, “spirit” can be another way to say Holy Spirit. (Mt. 3:16; Ac. 2:4; 5:9; Ro. 8:9)
“Spirit” as it refers to the inner or immaterial part of man can take on some sensory aspects. The “spirit” can faint (Ge. 45:26), can be willing (Ex. 35:21), can be hardened (De. 2:30), be sad (1 Ki. 21:5), be troubled (Jn. 13:21), can be refreshed (1 Co. 16:18) and rejoice (Lk. 10:21). We read in 1 Thessalonians 5:23 that the spirit passes into eternity at death, and like the soul is eternal. As we see in the James passage that death is separation of the spirit from the body . (James 2:26)
Scripture also tells us that the natural man does not have the spirit from God within him. (1 Co. 2: 11) …there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty gives him understanding. (Job 32:8) And the Apostle Paul reminds us in Ephesians 4: 23 tells us that we can be renewed in our mind. Paul further tells us: “But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you.” (Romans 8:9)