Segment One

Eight ways the teaching of the Bible contradicts the Theories of Evolution:

Part One:

1.  The Bible says God made the world and all things therein in six days. Biblical statements tell us that these “days” were six normal days as man is to understand them. The Biblical term for day is that of 24-hour days. Evolution would, however, have us to understand them as 1,000 year “days” or million year days instead of the 24-hour day. (Note here: no human has ever experienced any of these evolutionary time periods. They are “theory” only as they cannot be proven by scientific tests.) This is a common tactic of deception used by the evil one. For example: “If no one can prove me wrong, then I must be right.”

Scripture tells us in Genesis chapter one, with the expression “the evening and the morning were the first day.” The repeated use of this expression tells us that a “day” is 24 hours. But this is not the only way we know the use of day. In Exodus, the Lord revealed that the days of creation were the same kind of days as those kept by the Israelites for Sabbaths. (Ex. 20:8-11; 31:16-17) Evolution on the other hand must shroud their “days” in mysterious or billion year periods. After all, if no human can observe these periods with firsthand experience, it must be true (so says the deceiver).

2.  The Bible says God made plants and animals in such a way that they are divided into distinct categories. The dividing lines between kinds of animals cannot be crossed. (DNA prohibits this). One kind cannot be successfully interbred with another. For example; Fish cannot become birds; bats cannot become eagles; dogs cannot become cats. But the major kinds of animals cannot cross over into other kinds. (Ge. 1:21, 24, 25) Evolution theory, on the other hand, teaches that all animals grew from some type of common stock. Those changes, however, are shrouded in millions or billions of years and they have yet to provide fossil evidence as proof.

Part Two:

3. The Bible teaches that man is not an animal. Man is the only creature on earth made in God’s image in order to have direct fellowship with God. Man did not grow our of the animal kingdom. He was created by God to rule over (be caretaker) the creation and to walk and talk with God. (Ge. 1:19-31) Man was man the very hour he was made by God. (Ge. 2:7; 5:1-2) As soon as man was created, he had the ability to name all the animals of the world. (Ge. 2:18-20) Man was never an unintelligent animal. Evolution, however, teaches that man arose from the animal kingdom, gradually becoming more and more intelligent, civilized, and self-conscious. [But never with an inherent spirit.]

4. The Bible teaches that mankind was made perfect and rebelled against God. Ever since that day, the human race has been growing increasingly more perverse and corrupt. The Bible teaches that man is not evolving, he is devolving. (Ge. 1:26-31; 6:5-7; Ec. 7:29; 2 Ti. 3:13) Yet the teaching of evolution is that the human race began as dumb animals and has been growing increasingly better and higher.

5. The Bible teaches that man was created intelligent and inventive.  Adam’s children, in the very first centuries after creation, knew how to make music, keep cattle, farm, and work with brass and iron. (Ge. 4:1-4, 16-22) Evolution says it took men thousands or millions of years to learn these things. Remember, evolution is based upon unproven theories.

Part Three:

  1. The Bible teaches that the origin of the world must be understood by faith because the process is no longer visible. (Heb. 11:3) Evolutionists though are attempting to learn the process of origins through observation of present conditions. [That is like trying to figure out where Mars came from before it appeared.]
  2. The Bible says divine interventions have altered the state of the world since creation. (2 Pe. 3:3-4) Evolution assumes a process unaltered from without—a closed system. [To assume something is true is not science.]
  3. The Bible says everything was created to fulfill God’s purposes, the world, and everything in it, as well as the planetary universe.

Final note: Teleology is the study of final causes, of the purposes of nature. Teleology is a fascinating study, because regardless of how minutely one studies creation, one is struck with a sense of wonder at the brilliant purpose behind every detail. For instance:

  1. Study the eye, the ear, the leaf, the atom, light, sound, air—everywhere you find purpose and design. That is exactly what one would expect if God created the world precisely as the Bible says He did.
  2. However, this is not what we would find if evolution were true. If so, we would find incredible chaos, happenstance, and haphazardness. We would have a world filled with monsters and unpredictable madness with part one thing and part another. For instance: we would see a fish becoming a bird, a frog becoming a rat, a lizard becoming a bird, with partially formed beaks which do not het have a purpose, partially formed feet, partially formed wings, partially formed eyes, partially formed brains.
  3. We would have no fixed absolutes from which and with which to work. We would have no atomic clock because the atom would not be stable. We would have no sure guide across the trackless oceans because the heavenly bodies would be in fluctuation.

We can see that evolution is a lie and the Bible is true. For all of this we can Praise the Lord.
